Sunday, December 10, 2006

Bayambang's Sanitary Landfill

A 33 hectares worth P250-M? This will make Bayambang as the garbage capital of the Philippines. It will accommodate wastes from the nearby towns and provinces like Tarlac, Pampanga, Bulacan, and La Union.

According to Abelardo Palad, president of the Waste Integrated Systems Inc. (WINS),

1. the town will experience economic boom once the project is already operating because it will have a share of P50 from every ton of garbage to be unloaded by every LGU. 30 trucks daily which a truck contains 10 tons.

2. Fertilizers would be produced from garbage that would be put in bags for sale to farmers.

3. There is also a plan to generate 40 megawatts of power from the garbage alone.

The only scare is this,

If the liquid called lechate that's coming out from garbage which, when not properly handled, might seep down the soil and enter the water table from where the people are getting their potable water, thus resulting in water contamination and diseases.

For those people in Bayambang, what can you say?