Saturday, May 22, 2021

Just to Please You

Charlot Lampa rendered a commemorative cover of the song "Just To Please You" by Mayor Joni Villanueva. The 21-year-old youth from Binalonan also played guiter while singing. According to Charlot, the song has been her inspiration in serving God more. She stated: “Just To Please You” inspires me to do more for the glory of God despite of what others say. A lot of people may doubt your capabilities because of your shortcomings especially when you don't meet their high expectations. But through the song of Mayor Joni Villanueva 'JUST TO PLEASE YOU', it reminds us that people should not be the jury of your abilities. As long as you do it for the Glory of God, stand with faith and know that it pleases the Lord. #MJVJustToPleaseYou